Saturday, March 7, 2009

Barrett's Special Day

My parents came up today and we all took Barrett for a drive. Barrett loves the car. He was so good, sitting next to me in the back seat. We drove the country way across town and to a park. We then went for a nice walk. Barrett's nose sure got a workout, I think he may have some bloodhound in him. He couldn't have cared less about the few joggers, bikers, or walkers that came by (not my house, I don't have to keep them away) and enjoyed all the smells. We saw deer prints as well as dog and horse. When we got back home my folks gave him a steak bone. Now he's taking a nap...I think I'll join him.

Don't forget to vote for Josef. We are rapidly dropping our percentage. Please vote every day! Josef is the one in the white lilacs. Thanks.

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