Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happy Monty Python Day

It was 41 years ago today that Monty Python's Flying Circus aired...and dare I say, TV was never the same again! BBC America has a nice little piece about the troupe, including some favorite sketches. I'm not sure what my favorite one is...The Lumberjack Song (but don't forget the whole Barbershop prelude, "Cut, cut, cut"), Nudge, Nudge, The Dead Parrot, Johann Gambolputty (de von Ausfern -schplenden -schlitter -crasscrenbon -fried -digger -dangle -dungle -burstein -von -knacker -thrasher -apple -banger -horowitz -ticolensic -grander -knotty -spelltinkle -grandlich -grumblemeyer -spelterwasser -kürstlich -himbleeisen -bahnwagen -gutenabend -bitte -eine -nürnburger -bratwustle -gerspurten -mit -zweimache -luber -hundsfut -gumberaber -shönendanker -kalbsfleisch -mittler -raucher von Hautkopft of Ulm), The Spanish Inquisition (No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!) and oh so many more! Thank you Michael Palin, Eric Idle, John Cleese, Terry Jones, Terry Gilliam, and Graham Chapman for all the wonderful zaniness!

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