Saturday, October 20, 2007


OK I enjoyed tonight's (well, technically last night's) episode of Moonlight. But no Josef. A whole episode without the slightly sarcastic, charming man of my dream. How dare they! It's funny, I can't think of many adjectives to describe Josef. Could be the bottle of champagne I drank while watching my shows, along with all the munchies. Hmmm. I will admit a funny thing though. I was googling him the other day. They showed his birth date-I nearly choked on my fun sized snickers! But, it's the character I'm dreaming about, not the actor, and the character's over 400. So, no, I'm not robbing the cradle, thank you! This may just be my last post written after a bottle of champagne. At any rate, writers of Moonlight, more of Mick's best friend please!


BunGirl said...

See now, I've thought he was cute since he first showed up on Veronica Mars a few years ago...

Katreader said...

I've never seen that show...I need to check it out. Normally I go more for the Mick type-well, who wouldn't, right? But the personality of Josef...that fits me! And he's certainly not bad to look at either! Ha!