Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dirty Animals

I spent the day with dirty animals. I had heard that Harley outdid himself in the mud the other day. Fortunately, when I got to the barn today, the mud was all dried on him. Still, it took me about 40 minutes to get Harley in decent condition. I wasn't that exacting as I know he'll be outside tomorrow and get filthy all over again. We rode in the indoor arena for about 25 minutes. I sucked today though. He got sugar cubes and the special treat from my Mom for putting up with me today. When I came home I cleaned the rat babies cage. Then I cleaned Ollie. Since he had what I believe was a stroke, he can't clean himself very well-so I helped. I still need to clean Josef and Snickers cage and the litter boxes...and I need a bath too.

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