Friday, April 25, 2008


Yippie-I am on vacation!!! I'm so excited, even though I don't have too many plans. It's nice just not worrying about work and relaxing. Of course, I do have some fun things planned and more fun things will occur. So...what's on the agenda? Today is a bit of an errand day, plus getting ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow is the main event-I'm going to the Lake Cayuga Wine and Herb Festival. This will be my 4th year. Unfortunately, my friends from Ohio won't be joining me this year, but a friend and co-worker will be coming along. This will be her first wine tasting-so we'll have lots of fun! Wednesday my folks are coming up and we'll have a grand dinner at The Johnson House. I also intend on lots of crafting, organizing, and just relaxing and having fun! Yea, vacation!

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