moving. Sure enough the chipmunk was climbing on it. What fun he had. He was swinging upside down, munching on that corn. Within an hour he had taken the corn off the twine and was eating it on the ground. I'm so glad he enjoyed it. He was the only animal I saw eating it-I think I'm going to create one fat chipmunk! I'll wait a bit before putting another ear out!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Feeder Corn
moving. Sure enough the chipmunk was climbing on it. What fun he had. He was swinging upside down, munching on that corn. Within an hour he had taken the corn off the twine and was eating it on the ground. I'm so glad he enjoyed it. He was the only animal I saw eating it-I think I'm going to create one fat chipmunk! I'll wait a bit before putting another ear out!
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