Saturday, March 27, 2010


I'm always so tired on my first day off night shift. I only get a few hours of sleep as I switch from a night schedule to days. I hopped in bed immediately after getting home (and giving Seneca her meds and a treat for the rats). I woke up, checked a few things on the computer, had a quick bite to eat, then off I went. I stopped to visit my friend at her store. I got what I needed to make my Easter cards and chatted with her for a bit. Then I filled the car with gas and went to the barn. Boy is Harley shedding! I groomed him for about 45 minutes before I rode him. I was sucky-leaning forward-heels coming up, so he kept breaking. We ended on a great note, however. Then I picked up a few things at the grocery store. It was almost 8PM before I got home! I called Mom, then ate and sat down to watch my Brit Coms, back after 2 weeks of pledge drives on PBS. I'm exhausted, one more show, then bed!

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