Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Good Cookie
I picked up a new cookie at the grocery store. It was on sale and sounded good, so I figured I'd get it. Well, these cookies are pretty darn wonderful. Not homemade, but when you just want to reach for a package-you can't go far wrong. So, what are these new treats? Keebler Fudge Shoppe Cheesecake Middles. Yumm!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Stupidity of the State
I just heard that the government is going to start furloughing state workers. CSEA union members at the hospital are starting first and I believe PEF members will also have to do this. At this point in time my union, NYSCOPBA, has not agreed. What this means is that these workers have 9 days where they don't get paid, they don't come to work either. This is supposed to save the state money. The reality is that there is a certain number of direct care staff needed to work the units each day and we are short staffed anyway. So the state, in its infinite wisdom will force workers to stay home, unpaid, but have to pay overtime to others to cover the units. Is it any wonder the state is in a financial bind? Idiots!
Monday, August 29, 2011
I don't care for coconut. I don't care for the taste or the scent. A little light coconut flavor may be OK-but I'd prefer it without. Scents-I pass on. Until now. I got a free coconut shimmer body butter from The Body Shop. I was debating giving it away as a gift, but I tried a sample at the store...and it's not bad. It reminds me of summer. Then I got a free set of Coconut Passionfruit items-body spray, lotion, and body wash-from Bath & Body Works. I like it! Then I tried a Coconut Lime Breeze lotion. I really liked that one...although I really smelled the limes and not any coconut. Are my tastes changing? Or are these just great versions of the scent? I still wouldn't pick coconut as a top choice, but I won't be so quick to dismiss it now.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
How is it that time always goes so quickly on your days off? I accomplished a bunch of stuff-but nowhere near the amount of stuff I wanted to get done. I did discover a great restaurant nearby and had a wonderful dinner there with my friends. I think I'm going to try for an early night...after a few more snacks and wine. Tomorrow I'll clean and hopefully find time to craft and write!
Friday, August 26, 2011
January 15, 2010 -August 25, 2011
Sadly, Napoleon crossed the Rainbow Bridge yesterday. He was always a happy boy...almost too happy. It took me too long to discover her had malocclusion. He was still eating and taking treats from my had. The poor boy had even developed an abscess in his mouth. He got his teeth trimmed and some medicine and seemed to be fine. His latest trick was to jump out of his cage to start exploring as I was giving everyone their supper. When I got home from work yesterday, I found his body. I'm not sure what happened, but he was a sweet boy who will be missed.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Raise Awareness Wednesday - Don't Shop-Adopt
When looking for a new family member-don't shop, adopt! Local shelters have wonderful animals of all ages, sizes, breeds, and species! Some shelters and rescues specialize in certain animals, others have a great variety. It's not just dogs and cats either. Many shelters and rescues can help you find your next rat, horse, rabbit, bird, snake, and more! You can find ferrets, iguanas, goats, donkeys, chickens, and more! Help these wonderful animals find a new life. Don't shop-Adopt!
Raise Awareness Wednesday
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I went to the grocery store after work the other day. I enjoy going at that time (around midnight) as not too many people are around. The only problem is that the deli counter is closed along with the food bars and such. Still, it's a nice time to go to pick up a few things and browse in peace. I wanted to get a few things to take to work for lunches this week. I looked at the prepackaged food they have. Now it's normally a bit pricey-but oh so convenient, and tasty. I could pick up a pack of chicken tenders (already breaded and cooked) for $6. But when I looked-the price was now $7! I put the package down and looked again. All the items that were normally $6 were now $7! I'll pass on that. Then I went to get some milk. I usually just buy a quart and it costs around 78 cents. Nope-a quart of milk is now $1.03! What the heck?!? All around I saw huge price jumps on many things. I mentioned it to the cashier and she said she saw it too. I mentioned it to co-workers who noticed the same thing. What happened recently to cause this big jump? Or are the stores finally giving in to the high price of gas and other costs. Whatever the reason, it stinks and I'm going to have to be much more careful when I shop for groceries!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Postive Thoughts
Please send positive, healing thoughts for my dad. He's coming into town and tomorrow will have his heart shocked in the hopes it will start beating properly. Thanks!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
There are some benefits to having a dog that's pretty much deaf and sleeps hard. I woke up this morning before my alarm, needing to use the bathroom. I had about an hour left to sleep. It's one thing if you wake in the middle of the night having to go-you get up and it doesn't matter who you wake up-they know it's the middle of the night and go back to sleep. However, being so close to wake up time-if the dog wakes up now-it's good odds he'll get up and want to go outside. Here's where the stealth comes in. I got out of bed. Sam was sound asleep in the hall, next to the bathroom. I tiptoed by him, used the bathroom, then walked back over him to get back to bed. He never moved. Yes, one more hour of sleep!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Last Day
Today is the last day of my vacation. I'm trying to savor every last moment and NOT think about work. I had a relaxing break of a vacation. I drove to Dunkirk, NY for America's Grape Country Wine Festival, went to the Brockport Art Festival, a German Festival, a tour of the Darwin Martin House in Buffalo, and Wedgestock. I took long walks with Sam and worked with Harley. I also spent time with the cats and rats. I watched the second season of True Blood. I did some basic work around the house-but not some of the in depth stuff I wanted to do. I also didn't do any of the crafts I wanted to do. One week is simply not enough, especially since the administration is blocking our time off. Who knows when I'll have a break other than my regular weekends? I've had dinner and am sipping wine in comfy clothes. I decided not to attend my 25th high school reunion-which is going on right now. I'm happy with that decision-sorry guys. I'll be working on a photo contest for a RAT group and just chilling this evening. If only my vacation could go on forever...while still being paid my current salary, of course!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Halloween in August?
I'll give you Christmas in July, but Halloween in August? At the beginning of the month (yes, first week of August) I went to the Bath & Body Works. (Yes, I know I'm addicted-but I had a coupon for free lotion!) As I walked in they had a big display of soaps which were on sale. Looking at the varieties I was a bit taken aback by a big purple bottle. No, it wasn't grape. It was Sour Drop...and there was a haunted house on the label. Next to it was a green bottle with a skeleton-Green Apple Candy. Yes, the Halloween stuff was already out. At the back of the store (at least it was in the back) the display of fall scents was starting to emerge: Sweet Cinnamon Apple, Caramel Apple, Pumpkin Patch and more. Now I adore fall and I probably love fall scents the most. But it's 84 degrees outside. I need to be using Sugar Lemon Fizz (which I am, actually, it's delightful) or Summer Escape! It's too early for Orchard Leaves and Cranapple Crisp, isn't it?
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
In Absentia
I'm sorry I haven't been around. You'd think I'd have more time since I'm on vacation-but that hasn't been the case. I actually do have things to write about, but then I get involved in other things and before you know it-I'm logged off for the night. I'm in the midst of another computer project now. Hopefully I'll come up with a fantastic post tomorrow!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
I'm on vacation and am making the most of it! Friday Sam and I went on an extra long walk. I also both lunged and rode Harley. Stops at the liquor store, Target, and the grocery store rounded out my day. I relaxed in the evening by starting to watch Season 2 of True Blood
. Saturday was my big day. I drove to Dunkirk, NY to attend America's Grape Country Wine Festival. I had a wonderful time. I really do love this event. You can sample wines from all over the state! They also have food products (with samples!) and you can find food and drink and live music to entertain you. They also offer fun seminars. I'm happy to make this a yearly event! Today was the Brockport Art Festival. I was so excited. This has always been my favorite festival. I planned on getting all kinds of Christmas shopping done. I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I was. I walked the entire thing in 15 fact I walked it twice. Vendors I'd been hoping to see weren't there. I didn't even wait for the wine tent to open. Sadly, I don't think any more festivals are planned-so much for the gifts I was planning to buy. Sigh. I stopped at my nursery and talked to my landscape guy for a while. My lilacs...and all the lilacs in the neighborhood are suffering from powdery mildew. The good news is that it rarely kills the plant. And I know what to do to deal with it. He also gave me some freshly picked radishes and cucumbers from his garden. Talk about fresh, he picked as we talked! Then I stopped in at the German Festival in Spencerport. Good food, German beer, and an Oompah Band. Now I"m relaxing and planning to watch more True Blood (I got season 2 from the library-so I have to watch it all in a week!) and the finale of The Next Food Network Star! So far my vacation is off to a great start!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Lone Goose
Lots of Canadian Geese hang out in my neighborhood. There are several ponds which the geese and some ducks enjoy. The geese always travel in packs. It's fun to watch parent geese and their goslings. When they walk, one parent will lead the way while the other brings up the rear-making sure all the kids are following properly. Sometimes I've seen a third, older goose, flanking the middle as well-making sure everyone stays together. The thing is-geese go in groups. They fly, walk, and swim, in groups. On our walk today Sam and I heard a goose honking. We saw him on land, near one of the ponds. He was alone. I couldn't see any geese nearby, in other ponds, anywhere. The lone goose walked to the pond and got in, honking every few seconds. As he swam, he continued to honk. Poor guy got separated from his pack. When we walked back, we didn't see him anymore-hopefully he returned to his family.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
True Blood
I had heard wonderful things about the HBO TV series True Blood. A few years ago I read the first Sookie Stackhouse novel, Dead Until Dark
, by Charlaine Harris, the series upon which the TV show is based. I thought it was OK and never read any more. Last Christmas I happened upon a wonderful deal from and bought the 1st season of True Blood for $12. At that price, how could I resist? It took me a few months-but I finally watched it...and got hooked. A co-worker who adores the series keeps telling me to catch up so that we can talk about the show. I've been waiting for the second season to go on sale. I saw it at Amazon for $30 and was about to buy it, but I didn't. The next day the price was up to $32. Hmmm. I still intended to get it, but didn't get around to it. Last night I went on Amazon and the price was up to $36. OK, not buying it. I decided to check the library. I had looked before and although the county had many copies, they were all either checked out or on hold. Tonight, however, I saw that my library actually had it available. I ran down this morning, hoping it would still be there. I looked on the shelves-it wasn't there. Augh. Then I saw the cart that had recently returned DVDs. Wasn't on one side, grr, but I found it on the other side. Hooray! So now I have a week to watch season 2-thank goodness I'm going on vacation!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Reed Diffusers
I love to find different ways to pleasantly scent the house. I love the idea of reed diffusers: small sticks that suck up essential oil and scent the room. I just got the latest catalog of Yankee Candle and found the neatest Halloween Reed Diffuser Scene. It's a purple bottle with black sticks in a graveyard with scented stones and such. The problem is that reed diffusers don't work. I've received a few as gifts and they just don't scent the room. Have you had any luck with reed diffusers? What do you think about them?
Sunday, August 7, 2011
When I got my mail the other day, one letter was smooched to the back of the mailbox. The other stuff all came out together, but I had to reach in to get this business sized envelope. It was from Canada. However, it wasn't postmarked; it was like one of those pre-printed envelopes that charities use. Inside was a letter from Consumer Research and Marketing, INC in New York City. However, the phone number had a 647 area code while the fax had 206. The letter goes on to say that I was a sweepstakes held in London, England. I apparently won a prize with a lump sum payout of $52,500. They enclosed a check in the amount of $3,997 to "help cover the Government Service Tax and processing charges"-which is only $2,987.32. BUT I have to call (a 315 area code) to activate my claim before I cash my check, "this is very important". Yea...right...I won a Sweepstakes in the UK, I get a letter from Canada, it's from a company in NY, and there are 3 different area codes-one of which starts about 40 miles east of me and the check is from a bank in Maryland.. But the check does look real. I think I'll take it to the bank and see what they say about it. I may also file a federal fraud charge, somehow, after all, this did arrive in my mailbox!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Happy Birthday Lucy!
Today would have been Lucille Ball's 100th birthday. I wore my Lucy t-shirt and watched several episodes of I Love Lucy. Check out Amelia's blog-she spent some time in Jamestown, NY, Lucy's hometown. Did you celebrate Lucille Ball?
Friday, August 5, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Raise Awareness Wednesday - Frog Pond Farm
I discovered Frog Pond Farm through jockey Mike Smith. Frog Pond Farm is a non-profit charitable organization in Ohio whose mission is to Rescue, Rehabilitate, and Rehome draft horses. This rescue is having a fundraiser by having people sponsor days in their 2012 calendar. You can buy a day for $10 and submit a picture of your pet, or you, which will be on the calendar. How cool is that? Mike took Kentucky Derby Day (with a picture of him kissing the trophy when he won it in 2005) and Breeders Cup Day. You'll see a picture of my rat Harrison on my birthday! In addition to their website, you can find Frog Pond Farm on Facebook (you can find Mike there too). That's the easiest way to get your day. You can ask if your day is available and upload a picture right there. There are lots of days still available-so go on and support them. It's a unique way to commemorate a special day for you.
Raise Awareness Wednesday
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
10 Years
Today is my 10 year anniversary at my job. This is the longest I've worked at any one place. I wish I could say that I loved it...but I current;y can't stand it. But it is a "good job" with a decent salary and good benefits. And now I'm vested. It would be nice if I got a cake, but I'll be lucky if I just got through the evening hassle free.
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