Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Nearing the End
As we approach the end of 2010, I look back at this year. 2010 was a difficult year. Serious issues with my Dad's health, along with issues at work, made it, all in all, not the best year. Of course, there were some high points as well; good times with friends, the continuation of the Traveling Rat is a new form, the addition of some new rattie family members and more. The start of 2011 will see the continuation of problems, but I can only hope that things will settle down and work out for the best. I'm ready for some happy times!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I like eggnog. I don't adore it, but every year I do buy a quart. No, I don't make it from scratch. Usually I drink it as is...not the alcoholic version. I know that it should be made with rum. Today, however, I had it with whipped cream flavored vodka. It was absolutely delicious. The alcohol seemed to cut the thick heaviness of the beverage and the whipped cream taste (yes, you could discern the taste) was absolutely delightful. So go get some eggnog and whipped cream flavored vodka and have yourself a merry little Christmas treat!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Although we don't have the blizzard that's stranding travelers-we have frigid temperatures and flurries. I went to the barn this morning, but didn't ride. Although I love cold weather riding-it was a bit much. As I entered the barn, my friend Kim said, "It's 0". All rightie then. I wasn't sure if I was going to ride, but that decided it-it wouldn't have been good for Harley either. I did some after Christmas shopping. What deals I got!!! And I didn't even hit Target! I had lovely leftovers (gotta love beef tenderloin) with tater tots and champagne while watching a Christmas episode of Are You Being Served?
Now it's time for book, bath, and bed.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Boxing Day
Today is Boxing Day...and no I wasn't watching the fights on TV. I went to celebrate Christmas with my folks. The weather cooperated and I had dry roads, even though it was a white Christmas and the NYC area has a blizzard! We have old snow and cold temperatures. I had a lovely time, with lovely gifts and wonderful food. I'm glad to be back home, however; in comfy clothes with champagne, cheese and crackers, and Escape to Witch Mountain
on TV.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
I hope that everyone is having a wonderful day and that Santa was very good to you. He was wonderful to me...and the holiday isn't over yet. Remember the 12 days of Christmas start today...they don't end! So keep celebrating and keep the spirit of Christmas in your heart all year!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas Eve Eve
I can't believe it's Christmas Eve Eve. I still haven't found the Christmas Spirit...and I still haven't completed my Christmas preparations! I still have 2 nights of work as well. Sigh. I did manage to accomplish some Christmas traditions, however. In addition to decorating the outside of the house, getting and decorating the tree, and mailing out the Christmas cards and packages I made my annual holiday trek to Oliver's for ribbon candy, watched the important Christmas shows: The Bishop's Wife
, A Christmas Story
, Miracle on 34th Street
(the original, thank you very much), A Charlie Brown Christmas
, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
, A Year Without A Santa Claus
(necessary due to Heat and Cold Misers), and finally, tonight, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
. Now if I can sneak in The Muppet Christmas Carol
....Anyway, I hope you're ready for this holiday-I'm just thankful that the 12 days of Christmas are the days after. Too bad I'm not in Poland-they celebrate til February 2nd. Maybe I'd be ready then!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Dog Itch
I've got that itch to get a dog again. I happened to see one, a special Christmas Angel called Gandolf at the Erie County SPCA. (I saw his picture on Facebook, I haven't been prowling shelters...yet...) He's a 10 year old Husky mix. He's lovely...but they don't recommend him around cats. Apparently he'd been barricaded in a room never seeing any other animals and has probably never even seen a cat. He looked like such a good match for me too. I'm sure it's better I don't have a dog again...but still...
Monday, December 20, 2010
Getting There
I mailed off the last of the Christmas packages this morning. I still can't believe I was so late. Thank heavens for priority mail-they will arrive before Christmas! Instead of riding Harley today I decided to work around the house. We had a good ride yesterday, so I don't feel too bad. In addition to the post office I also made a stop at the bank. Once home again, I took dirty litter to the outside trash and scrubbed out one litter box. I intend to put the Christmas boxes back in the attic so the downstairs looks more presentable. I still have dishes to wash, cages to clean, and another litter box to scrub-but at least I feel I've accomplished some things!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Charm Bracelets
When I was little I had a charm bracelet. In fact, I still have it, although it doesn't least I don't think so. I have an Italian Charm bracelet-although I don't wear it since Dale fell off. I loved that charm. Now I don't see those types of charms around as much. My Wild Horsefeathers catalog has lots of charms-the regular ones-which are pretty neat; although they have some in a new style of which I'm not that fond. On the radio all I hear is Neil and Gaetano talking about the Camilia bracelet and all the charms you can get for it. I also hear some woman constantly talking about People's Pottery and the Pandora charms you can get. OK. I admit it. I'd like a charm bracelet again.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
A Week?!?!?!
A week from today is Christmas Day. I can hardly fathom it! This month has gone by so quickly. I'm not ready for the holiday. Somehow I still haven't managed to find the Christmas spirit. I'm just not in the mood for my favorite time of year! I still have presents to ship and I haven't begun to wrap the local ones. I haven't done any baking. The inside of the house is barely decorated. But, that's as good as it's going to get this year. At least the outside lights look lovely and the tree is decorated, stockings are hung by the chimney with care, and the manger is out. All the cards have been sent and most of the gifts. Many specials have been watched. I still need to see A Christmas Story. Maybe that'll get me in the mood. I had Chinese Take Away the other day and they had a sign on the door-they'll be open Christmas Day. Hmmm I wonder if they know any Christmas Carols?
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Muppet Christmas Carol - One More Sleep Til' Christmas
A great song in probably my favorite version of The Christmas Carol.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Work manages to mess with me again. It's really pitiful when your coworkers and union representatives conspire against you.
Monday, December 13, 2010
I'm stressed. Worried about my folks' health, work, and getting ready for the holidays. I know things will get better, and Christmas will be wonderful, but still. I'm still having fun, when I try to forget everything but the moment. I guess I should try to live with blinkers on-at least for a little while. And completely turn off all thoughts of work when I'm not there (sadly, much easier said than done). I've given up on the tree-it's got some decorations-I'm just not thrilled with it...and I still have to get the star on top. I'll finish the nativity scene and I think that'll be it. It's not worth fussing over it all! I hope your holidays aren't proving too stressful.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
A Christmas Kiss
I drove to Buffalo this morning to get a kiss. A very special Christmas kiss.
This is Pocus, a sea lion at the Buffalo Zoo. Yes, he really did kiss me-his mouth to my cheek/chin! His whiskers were so soft! He held the pose for the photograph too.
This is Pocus, a sea lion at the Buffalo Zoo. Yes, he really did kiss me-his mouth to my cheek/chin! His whiskers were so soft! He held the pose for the photograph too.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Ribbon Candy
Today I made my Christmas tradition trip to Oliver's Candies in Batavia, NY to pick up ribbon candy and assorted other candy gifts. I love ribbon candy and I think Oliver's makes the best. Sadly, if you don't live nearby-you can't get any. It's extraordinarily delicate-so they won't ship it-and neither will I; all you'd get would be candy shards. I always enjoy going to Oliver's, but Christmastime is the best time to go. First of all, it's the only time you can get ribbon candy (it's purely a seasonal item) and secondly the store is decorated so wonderfully with animated displays in the window-just like the olden days. The workers are so helpful too and the ratio of staff to shoppers was great. I enjoy this annual tradition and intend to keep it going. Do you have a holiday shopping tradition?
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I adopted Snickers from a local rat rescue along with his friend, Josef in February 2008. Snickers was never a cuddly rat. I remember at the rescue, the person there scooped him up in a can and "poured" him into my hands. When he just sat there she remarked, "Wow, you're the first person he hasn't bit". Needless to say, I took the poor young guy with me. Although he never bit me, Snickers wasn't really a friendly rat. He got along well with Josef (who was an absolute love) and tolerated me, although he never liked to be petted or held. Every attempt at introducing him with other boys was a disaster-he attacked all. When Josef crossed the rainbow bridge, Snickers remained alone-still not liking other rats. Amazingly, Snickers lived a long time after Josef's passing, but he crossed the rainbow bridge this afternoon. He was 3 years and almost 3 months old-with a huge tumor that he had for months. Just last night I had him out running around the room while I cleaned his cage; yes, he could still get along quite well. In fact, when it came time to put him back, it took me a while for me to find my grumpy old man. I gave him a cuddle (which I could feel him shrug off) and put him in his cage. He found his dentabone, which he grabbed and carried to the top level of his cage. That being said, I was surprised to find him dead this afternoon. He was very old-but he was full of life to the end. I will miss my grumpy old man-but I'm pleased he'll finally be with his buddy, Josef, again.
September 16 2007 - December 9, 2010
September 16 2007 - December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Christmas Preparations
Christmas preparations are coming along...slowly, but they're coming along. The tree is up and lights are on it. I hope to decorate it tomorrow. Almost all the Christmas cards are mailed-the last few going out in the morning. The manger is up...but no one's in it yet. I still need to wrap all the presents that need to be shipped...and ship them. I need to decorate inside, and bake (if I get the chance). Of course, I have regular cleaning to do. I'm super tired-shouldn't have had all that wine. I think it's time for bed and a fresh and early start in the morning.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Holiday with the Horses
This morning I drove out to the Purple Haze Center at Finger Lakes Racetrack. The Purple Haze Center was founded in 2007 as the home for The Finger Lakes Thoroughbred Adoption Program. The center welcomes retired racehorses and finds them new homes and careers. I love their motto-Giving horses a second chance to be winners. Today they held a craft fair to benefit the horses. Since the event was held right in their barn I got to meet these wonderful athletes. I fell for Pure Shanneya. What a gorgeous girl, and a real sweetie too. The boys seemed a little more high strung, they all spooked when a photographer took their picture..or perhaps they were showing their displeasure at Alvin and the Chipmunks, but all the horses were doing really well considering all the goings on. I bought several goodies and was happy to help this great cause.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Baby Its Cold Outside - Dolly Parton and Rod Stewart
Next to Steve and Eydie, Rod & Dolly do it best!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Time Travel
There are several programs I follow on television. However, sometimes other things are going on that prevent me from watching-like having to leave for work or perhaps even having plans out! Solution-my VCR (yes, I know, old fashioned and out of date-but it works). The problem came when I got digital cable. Now, I can only tape 1 program at a time and I must leave the TV on and set to that station. What a hassle. And what happens if I want 2 shows that follow each other, but are on 2 different stations? And then, sometimes I completely for get to set the VCR. It seems that my cable station has come up with a solution for its digital cable subscribers-time travel. Supposedly, you can watch a show you missed anytime, up to 3 days after it aired. Not all channels are involved, but I saw that Bravo and the Food Network are. (I'm set for Top Chef All Stars and Aarti Party.) I hope the CW, channel 13, and PBS are involved. I haven't tried it out yet-but hopefully it'll work. I'm especially thankful as I'm being forced to switch to evening shift and will consequently miss all of my shows!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
December arrived today and made it known, in no uncertain terms, that winter was here. The day started with continuing rain. It was pouring! There were multiple flood warnings and I saw the runoff and standing water as I drove from work to do some errands. A few minutes after returning home I glanced outside. The pouring rain had turned into big fat snowflakes. And it was coming down hard! When I woke up this evening, I discovered a pretty good accumulation. I was more surprised when I read an e-mail from a friend in England-they had a huge snow storm and everything is at a standstill! Welcome December!
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