Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I'm in the middle of my vacation wondering where on earth the time is going. I haven't done much of anything. Today my folks came up and we cleaned the rugs. They should be back any time now and we're going out to dinner. That'll be great. Filet Mignon. Yummm. Aside from the Wine and Herb Fest all I've done on vacation is write one letter, finish and turn in my challenge card, and...well, that's it really. Must accomplish more. More stamping. More fun! More-something, before vacation time runs out!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
New Computer
I spent most of yesterday installing my new computer. For the most part, it went quite smoothly. I'm having some issues-right now I can't click on the box to write this blog-I have to tab my way in. Same thing happened when I used neomail. Hopefully, the situation will rectify itself. I haven't reinstalled my pictures and home movies yet. And now it says my printer has been disconnected. Who knows. I didn't want Vista-but they gave me no choice. One things-it sure is speedy. I can now play a game on Neopets I was having problems with before. My skill wasn't the problem-a slow computer was! I went from scoring around 150 with an all time high of 268 and I just scored over 1500! We'll see what happens next. (OK, I did some edits and now I can click in the box-go figure!)
Monday, April 28, 2008
Normal Weather
The weather is now back to normal for April with highs in the 40's and 50's. So everyone that's complaining here-realize that we had summer for a few days with temperatures we usually don't see until late May and even June. It was beautiful, but a short gift. It's now 44 degrees with drizzling rain, normal weather for April in WNY!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Herb & Wine Trail-Part 2
Yesterday I went on my 4th Herb & Wine Trail along Cayuga Lake. It was a gorgeous day, if anything almost too hot! We decided to go around the lake to hit the 3 wineries on the East side. I almost always run into problems driving into Ithaca. I can't stand that city. Anyway, I got through it relatively easily...or so I thought. After Six Mile Creek Vineyard I thought I'd just continue up Route 79 to hit the others on that side. We were driving...and driving...and then we seemed to enter another world. I could almost hear the banjos playing-it was like we entered Deliverance. Oh my God! Beautiful countryside, but shacks with garbage lining the properties. Unbelievable. I figured we went wrong and turned around. I got directions at a gas station (no dueling banjos, but the people there...friendly, but a bit type cast...) and then realized I had to go back into Ithaca. Yuck. I got back where I needed to be-routes 34 & 13. Then I missed the branch off and was on 13-only 13, so around I went again and we finally got on 34! Only an hour and a half or so and a journey to Deliverance out of our way. At any rate, we were back on track and hit the remaining wineries!
The herbs were great this year. These are the plants I came home with this year: parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, 2 cilantro, oregano, sweet marjoram, fennel, purple basil, sweet basil, lemon basil, dill, chives, Roma tomato, and red beauty pepper. As for the food-some great, some yucky, and I got recipes for all of them: Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto, Fennel Seed-Onion Dip, Marinated Feta, Basil Pasta Salad, Creamy Potato Soup, Tomato and Bread Soup, Rosemary Corn Soup, Tuscan White Bean Salad with Salami and Red Onion, Creamy Potato Salad with Lemon and Fresh Herbs, Wild Thyme Chowder with Chicken and Corn, Fresh Baked Onion Oregano Bread with Oregano Pesto, Russian Vegetable Salad, Old World Pasta, Asian Noodle Salad, Corn Bean Dip with Cilantro, and Roasted Red Pepper Tapenade.
While in Deliverance, we missed some rain around the lake, but after our second to last winery-the rain found us. While on the road to our final stop the rain became a downpour with thunder and lightning. But, on the way home it cleared up and by the time we got home all was quiet-and a lot colder! It had been in the 80's and now was only in the 50's.
It was a great time, as always. I love this yearly excursion! Great herbs, wine, scenery, and friendship-who could ask for anything more?
The herbs were great this year. These are the plants I came home with this year: parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, 2 cilantro, oregano, sweet marjoram, fennel, purple basil, sweet basil, lemon basil, dill, chives, Roma tomato, and red beauty pepper. As for the food-some great, some yucky, and I got recipes for all of them: Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto, Fennel Seed-Onion Dip, Marinated Feta, Basil Pasta Salad, Creamy Potato Soup, Tomato and Bread Soup, Rosemary Corn Soup, Tuscan White Bean Salad with Salami and Red Onion, Creamy Potato Salad with Lemon and Fresh Herbs, Wild Thyme Chowder with Chicken and Corn, Fresh Baked Onion Oregano Bread with Oregano Pesto, Russian Vegetable Salad, Old World Pasta, Asian Noodle Salad, Corn Bean Dip with Cilantro, and Roasted Red Pepper Tapenade.
While in Deliverance, we missed some rain around the lake, but after our second to last winery-the rain found us. While on the road to our final stop the rain became a downpour with thunder and lightning. But, on the way home it cleared up and by the time we got home all was quiet-and a lot colder! It had been in the 80's and now was only in the 50's.
It was a great time, as always. I love this yearly excursion! Great herbs, wine, scenery, and friendship-who could ask for anything more?
Food and Wine,
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Herb & Wine Trail
Today I spent the day on the Cayuga Lake Wine trail. My friend, Myrna, came with me this year and we had a blast! We hit all 16 wineries, got 16 great herbs and had 16 appetisers with wine tastings. I'm too tired to write more about it tonight, but you may expect further information tomorrow!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Yippie-I am on vacation!!! I'm so excited, even though I don't have too many plans. It's nice just not worrying about work and relaxing. Of course, I do have some fun things planned and more fun things will occur. So...what's on the agenda? Today is a bit of an errand day, plus getting ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow is the main event-I'm going to the Lake Cayuga Wine and Herb Festival. This will be my 4th year. Unfortunately, my friends from Ohio won't be joining me this year, but a friend and co-worker will be coming along. This will be her first wine tasting-so we'll have lots of fun! Wednesday my folks are coming up and we'll have a grand dinner at The Johnson House. I also intend on lots of crafting, organizing, and just relaxing and having fun! Yea, vacation!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Top Chef Improv-Spoiler Alert
WARNING!!! SPOILER ALERT. IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN TOP CHEF SEASON 4 IMPROV-STOP READING...unless you don't intend to watch it, then, please, continue.
I was soooooo mad after last night's Top Chef. I can't believe it. The chefs had to make a dish using 3 words thrown out at an improv show. Antonia and Lisa had Magenta, Drunken, Polish Sausage. They made a dish of Chilean Sea Bass and chorizo. HELLO?!?!?!?! Where's the Polish sausage? Their response was unbelievable as well, "It's improv." "Why should we have to listen to what a bunch of drunks thew out." Then, and this is what totally got me angry, one of them said she'd only had shrink wrapped Polish sausage with sauerkraut and Antonia said she'd never serve Polish sausage. How dare she? She doesn't even know what fresh Polish sausage tastes like! I've never liked Lisa and now I've lost all respect for Antonia.
Fresh Polish sausage is wonderful-there were so many things they could have done. Boil or braise the sausage in beer (using Okocim, Żywiec, or another Polish beer if possible). Serve with beer battered potato strips and plate using regular horseradish and beet horseradish laid out like the Polish flag (white & red). Or boil the sausage then cut it in pieces, make a tempura batter using beer, coat and fry. Frying should be a technique as drunks like fried foods! Use beer, come on-beer and sausage work. This combination was so easy. I'm not a chef, by any means, and look at all the ideas I had! Add to the fact that this season is in Chicago-where there exists a large Polish population-Antonia and Lisa were disrespectful, ignorant, and wrong. They should have been the losing dish. At least Stephanie and Jen used the ingredient they were given and played up all of the words. Chef Colicchio, I respect you, but you and all of the judges were completely wrong in not naming Antonia and Lisa the worst dish! They showed complete disregard for the words they were given, Lisa showed a poor attitude (having a shot after serving the dish) and both showed ignorance and disrespect toward an ethnic food. In my opinion, they both should have been eliminated and I'll do a merry dance when they are both finally sent home!
I was soooooo mad after last night's Top Chef. I can't believe it. The chefs had to make a dish using 3 words thrown out at an improv show. Antonia and Lisa had Magenta, Drunken, Polish Sausage. They made a dish of Chilean Sea Bass and chorizo. HELLO?!?!?!?! Where's the Polish sausage? Their response was unbelievable as well, "It's improv." "Why should we have to listen to what a bunch of drunks thew out." Then, and this is what totally got me angry, one of them said she'd only had shrink wrapped Polish sausage with sauerkraut and Antonia said she'd never serve Polish sausage. How dare she? She doesn't even know what fresh Polish sausage tastes like! I've never liked Lisa and now I've lost all respect for Antonia.
Fresh Polish sausage is wonderful-there were so many things they could have done. Boil or braise the sausage in beer (using Okocim, Żywiec, or another Polish beer if possible). Serve with beer battered potato strips and plate using regular horseradish and beet horseradish laid out like the Polish flag (white & red). Or boil the sausage then cut it in pieces, make a tempura batter using beer, coat and fry. Frying should be a technique as drunks like fried foods! Use beer, come on-beer and sausage work. This combination was so easy. I'm not a chef, by any means, and look at all the ideas I had! Add to the fact that this season is in Chicago-where there exists a large Polish population-Antonia and Lisa were disrespectful, ignorant, and wrong. They should have been the losing dish. At least Stephanie and Jen used the ingredient they were given and played up all of the words. Chef Colicchio, I respect you, but you and all of the judges were completely wrong in not naming Antonia and Lisa the worst dish! They showed complete disregard for the words they were given, Lisa showed a poor attitude (having a shot after serving the dish) and both showed ignorance and disrespect toward an ethnic food. In my opinion, they both should have been eliminated and I'll do a merry dance when they are both finally sent home!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I went to the dentist this morning about my broken tooth. Sure enough, it was fractured. My dentist numbed me up before he started poking around. First he just did this topical stuff, then the dreaded needles. They weren't too bad as I was already a bit numb from the topical. The he said, "You'll feel some pressure with this next one. I just wanted to warn you." SOME PRESSURE?!?!?!?! Oh My God. First of all it was paritally on the roof of my mouth (Have you ever had a shot on the roof of your mouth? I have, it's horrible.) Then he started pushing it in...then came the pain-like he was going right into the nerve. Then it got worse and the tears came, unbidden, from my eyes. Oh My God. After a bit he started looking around-sure enough-big crack. He explained some stuff, then said we needed to remove it, now. So he did. Most unpleasant experience. I only jumped out of the chair once...take that back, 3 times. The first when a huge portion of the tooth popped out. Then twice more when I started to gag. I have a major gag reflex...the blood pooling in my mouth got me the first time. How awful. But he got all of the tooth out (took x-rays to make sure). He told me when he pulled the tooth he could actually see into my sinus. He's concerned if I catch a cold or the flu...I'll be in big trouble. He packed it up well and sewed it all up. Eventually, I'll get either a bridge, or if my insurance allows, an implant. I'm on antibiotics, praying I don't get sick, and he also gave me a ton of pain killers, "you'll need them!" Yikes. The most amazing thing he said was, 'it's a good thing you used common sense and insisted on coming in before Friday. If you'd have waited that long we'd have to have taken you to the hospital." Thank God. So, I'm not going to work, taking pain meds, using my kitty boo-boo buddy and trying to rest today.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
3 Days
Three more work days, then I'm on vacation. Thank God. Work continues to be awful. It was a madhouse yesterday, literally and figuratively. I hope these next days go by quickly!
Monday, April 21, 2008
4 Days
Four more days of work, then I'm on vacation! Yahoo!!! I can't wait! I need this break soooo much. Right now my mouth hurts so much. I hope my dentist is back from vacation today so that I can get this broken tooth fixed. Eating is difficult-but it's not stopping me! I'm thinking of cancelling my lesson today. We'll see.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Spring Cleanup
Spring is here and it's actually been feeling like summer-beautiful sunny days in the 70's! It's time to start working outside, but this year I'm getting some help. This guy came over looking for lawn mowing contracts. I said no to that-but yes to some other tedious work that needs to be done, but I don't really want to do it, nor do I have the time and energy. They'll be doing a spring cleanup-getting all the flotsam and jetsam that appears throughout the winter out, trimming stuff up and so on. They'll also roll the lawn, rototill behind the garage for a future garden, and the main job-removing all the sod by the fence behind the lilacs and roses of sharon that's so difficult to mow. They'll replace it all with mulch (keeping the shrubs and plants, of course). I'm curious to see how it'll turn out. He's also going to get a guy for grub control (which I really need) and he's going to give an estimate on my garage roof, which needs replacing. I also have a call in to another guy for the roof. Spring is here!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
My Mouth
Ouch! I had the retreat of a root canal this morning. I was in the chair for an hour. It wasn't bad while it was being done, but I'm sore now. It's not my gums and tooth that hurt, though-it's my cheek. I suppose from the Novocaine shots. Yuck. I can't smile. Combine that with my sore cracked tooth on the opposite side. . . my mouth isn't too happy!
Friday, April 18, 2008
My Tooth
I woke up early this morning with awful pain in my tooth, not the side that's getting the root canal redone tomorrow, oh no, the other side! My dentist is on vacation, but another one fit me in. I was a weird and interesting case. I looks as if the tooth has cracked under the fillings. The root canal specialist will look at it tomorrow, but odds are when my regular dentist gets back, he'll remove the tooth. Now I'm on penicillin and still in pain. This bites!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I did it. I killed my favorite pot. It's my red pasta pot with the lid with the holes so you can drain it right from the pot. My mom got it for me and I use it all the time. I set it atop some stuff on the counter, it fell off onto the floor and one handle completely broke off! I used it again-hey it still had one handle-but when I washed it, the other handle just fell off, cracked. The screws are still in place so I'm hoping I can just get replacement handles. Still, it's most distressing.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
April is half-way over. It's hard to believe. A week and a half and I start vacation. It's just a short one and I'm just doing day trips, but it'll be so nice not to have to go to work! I still have so much to do around here and no energy to do it. Only 3 days before the folks come up. EEK!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I've been having problems with my computer for a while now. It's old and I think it has a virus. The newest issue...suddenly I have no sound. The volume is up...I'm too tired to check cords. I'll try that later. I actually did buy a new computer and printer (my old one is also acting up) but I haven't hooked them up yet. I need to figure out all my DSL stuff and make sure I keep all the files I need...and figure out how to get my iTunes library on the new set up. However, I need to get the house in shape for my folks before I figure all of that stuff out. Soon though-fast computer and printer that prints when I ask it to do so!
Monday, April 14, 2008
I'm in the mood to create-and I can't. I need to go to bed as I have to get up early for my riding lesson, get a check out to a guy for a Syd Barrett DVD, get to work early to get a PPD test and then proceed to work. And I need to clean the house-less than a week until the folks come up. No time to play with my stamps and stuff.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
I don't know what the problem is. Lately, I've been having trouble sleeping at night-I can sleep just fine in the day, but sleeping at night is getting to be difficult. Getting up is awful, I just want to keep sleeping, as I'm finally getting good sleep. What's up with that?
Saturday, April 12, 2008
What's black and white with a little bit of color? No, it's not a riddle, it's an ATC theme. I turned in my "It's My Party" ATCs today and the next theme is "black and white with a little bit of color". I'm trying to think of my main image. What's black and white? Formal wear, penguins, zebras, old fashioned TV...Any ideas out there?
Friday, April 11, 2008
A Week
I have one week to get the house in order. My parents are coming up next Saturday-the first time since Dad had his stroke. Needless to say, I've let my housekeeping slide since they haven't been visiting. Since I didn't have great skills to begin with, you can imagine what happens when things slide! I have a lot to do, but so far today I've just been doing the basic necessities-errands, laundry, and I'll do dishes and clean rat cages tonight as well. That's the minimum. Tomorrow morning I have plans that'll last most of the day...then Sunday it's back to work. Yikes! I'd better fit some more cleaning in somewhere!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Mandated Again
I was going to write about getting mandated again...stuck at work...mandated out of title...saying there's enough staff, when obviously there isn't. But that just gets me more annoyed and I'm too tired to be too annoyed. I won't get much sleep and have to be back at work this afternoon. So much for enjoying Top Chef when I got home. So much for getting cleaning done in preparation for my folks coming up. Mandation sucks. Hmmm. I guess I did write about it!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Writer's Block
I can't believe it. I actually have writer's block. I want to write this blog before I go to bed, in case I sleep late and don't get around to it before I go to work. But I don't know what to write about. So...I'm writing about writer's block. Hey, I'm keeping up with my goal of posting something everyday...even if it may not be worth much to read! Hopefully I'll get inspired soon!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Phone Call
Work was pretty lousy last night-aside from one incident that still has me smiling. I was walking down the hall when a co-worker said, "You have a phone call, and it's going to make your night." He told me who was calling and I ran to pick it up with glee. It was a former patient who's now in a civil hospital in another city. He's doing great and sounds wonderful. It was fantastic hearing from him, especially as he sounds so happy and seems to be doing so well. I miss him and it's nice to know he's thinking of me too. I'm still smiling.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Yes, I've been spending more time on Fanpop. I've added a whole bunch of links to the Britcoms Spot-including one that has paper dolls and clothes from favorite shows including Keeping Up Appearances and Are You Being Served? Yes, you could have your own Mrs. Slocombe paper doll, if you so desired...pussy not included, although Cat from Red Dwarf is! Now if someone would just rate them. It's so frustrating. I didn't even create this site and I add stuff and no one bothers to rate them. Same with the ATC Spot! Someone creates these sites, doesn't add any content-and doesn't even bother to rate the stuff others add. Augghhhhh! I still need people to rate the stuff on the spots I created. Come on people-rate!!!!!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Already Over?
It's nearing the end of the first week of April. The days have been nice and springlike with temperatures in the 50's and sunny skies. Spring is here. Easter is coming. Oops. Wait. Stop. We had Easter already. I don't like having Easter so early-it throws everything off! At least I have some Easter candy leftover!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
It's starting to feel more like Spring. It was in the 50's today and sunny-a really nice day. After a most annoying consultation with a root canal specialist I rode Harley. He was a good boy. We worked up a bit of a sweat-so afterward I walked him between the barn and the arena. At one point we just stood together basking in the sunlight. Another sign that Spring is here-he's shedding!
Friday, April 4, 2008
World Rat Day!

Thursday, April 3, 2008
8 AM
EEK! I got home from training today to find a message from the heating people who are coming tomorrow for a checkup. "Someone will be there at 8 AM-you're first on the list. 8 AM." Notice that he said 8 AM twice. Thank goodness I got home at 7:30 PM instead of my usual 12 AM today! I just checked my e-mail, answered a phone survey about smoking, put a load of laundry in, and tidied the basement for the heating guy. Now I must grab a bite to eat, take a bath, get to bed and sleep fast! 8 AM comes awfully fast!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Help Stop Animal Cruelty
I have just read and signed the petition: "Recruit 1,000,000 People to Fight Animal Cruelty".
Please take a moment to read about this important issue, and join me in signing the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a difference. We are trying to reach 1000000 signatures - please sign here:
Once you have signed, you can help even more by asking your friends and family to sign as well.
Thank you!
Please take a moment to read about this important issue, and join me in signing the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a difference. We are trying to reach 1000000 signatures - please sign here:
Once you have signed, you can help even more by asking your friends and family to sign as well.
Thank you!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
April Fool's Day
Happy April 1st! I hope no pranks are pulled on you-and nobody better pull anything on me! April Fool's Day, what a silly holiday!
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