The last day of 2007-hard to believe. What a year this has been! I've made it through the probationary period of my promotion at work, I've owned a horse for a year and we started jumping again, my eldest dog died, I added 2 elderly rats to the family, my dad had a stroke (but is home and recovering well), I continue with my many crafting hobbies, and I started this blog.
Here's to celebrating the end of 2007-we made it through another year!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Energy-wish I had it. I have so many plans and ideas and not much energy to get anything done. I think this is what they first meant by having an "energy crisis."
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Christmas With The Folks
Today I celebrated Christmas with my parents. We had a nice time with LOTS of great food and a mountain of presents. We watched 2 Jack Benny Christmas specials and one of the best Christmas movies of all time-A Christmas Story. "You'll shoot your eye out kid!" Now I'm back home, relaxing with the kids before I start putting all of my new goodies away! A great way to spend the day!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Risk It?
I did my first foray to the stores after Christmas today...and got quite a few bargains. At the Hallmark shop, the ornaments are now 50% off. There were a few I saw before Christmas and liked, but wanted to wait and see if I could snag them for less-which I did. However, I also saw several that I bought BEFORE Christmas-which, if I'd had waited, I would have had them for half off. But I didn't. Hallmark had a new set-Kringlewood Farms. I bought all of them at regular price (well, kind of, I got the cottage at less than half price when I bought 2 other pieces)-and saw most of them for half off now. The thing is-you never know if the ones you really want will be there after Christmas. And I don't go out hunting the day after either. you risk it? I didn't. Will I next year? We'll see.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Boxing Day
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and was able to give and receive lots of goodies. I got lots of goodies-thanks so much to everyone. Remember, however, Christmas Day may be over, but Christmas is really just beginning. The 12 days of Christmas has begun...not ended. I know I'm still expecting lots of Christmas goodies. And I still have to make my vanilla bourbon loaves! The big celebration for me will be Saturday when I celebrate with my folks. So if you haven't given, or received, all your gifts yet. Never fear-you have until Epiphany. At least you do in my book!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Strategic Cleaning
Christmas Eve is here, and with it the realization that I won't get everything done. No one will be over to see the house, but I will be taking photographs so...strategic cleaning. Move all the mess out of the way, a few feet at least, in order to get a clean shot!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I just can't believe it. I'm going to have to settle for being as ready as I am right now. Still haven't made my Vanilla Bourban loaves, or got my oil changed, or really cleaned. Oh well. It's back to work, and I'll be working all through Christmas. Let's just hope I don't get mandated.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Joyous Yule!
May you have a blessed and joyous Winter Solstice!
I neglected to pick up a bottle of champagne during my errands yesterday, so I'm going to do that and return home to gear up for Christmas. I intend to do my holiday baking (at least some), finish gift wrapping (almost done), do some general tidying and returning boxes to the attic, and try to relax and enjoy this day. Merry Yule!
I neglected to pick up a bottle of champagne during my errands yesterday, so I'm going to do that and return home to gear up for Christmas. I intend to do my holiday baking (at least some), finish gift wrapping (almost done), do some general tidying and returning boxes to the attic, and try to relax and enjoy this day. Merry Yule!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Callie & the Christmas Tree

Calumet LOVES the Christmas tree. She's 2 and a half years old, so this will be her third Christmas and she has always been captivated by the Christmas tree. She sits underneath it-whether it's lit or not. She'll sniff at the branches and sometimes an ornament, but that's it. She doesn't climb it, (Thank Heavens!) she just truly enjoys it.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Less Than a Week!
It's less than a week until Christmas and I'm still not ready for the big day. I'll be working the holiday and may even get mandated. The big celebration for me will be the Saturday after Christmas. My dad should be home from the hospital and I'll go to my folks house for the day. In the meantime, I still have tons to do-so I'm going to stop writing and start doing some of them!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Secret Santa
Well, I got home safely early yesterday morning. The roads weren't too bad, I wasn't even using my 4 wheel drive-until I turned onto my street and began the turn into my driveway. The snowplows had left a huge mountain at the foot of it, there was a huge drift in the middle (as usual-thanks Wind) and just a ton of snow. We didn't get the blizzard they were predicting-but there was over a foot of snow. "I don't have time for this!" I said to myself, knowing I had few precious hours before I had to leave for work again. So I put it in 4 wheel and gunned it. Thank goodness for 4 wheel drive-got in the garage without issue. So I got about 4 hours of sleep (me, who usually makes it a point to get at least 8!) deciding I wasn't going to lose sleep time to shoveling. So I only shoveled for 15 minutes before I had to leave for work. I didn't make much of a dent.
I was able to leave work on time and the roads were just fine coming home Monday night. I was, however, dreading getting into my driveway. I also was dreading getting up early to shovel a lot before work again. With the possibility of trucks delivering Christmas presents, I have to make an effort to allow them into my driveway. As it was the mailman just left a note in my mailbox across the street! So I started to make the turn, ready to put it into 4 wheel, when my jaw dropped. My driveway was clear! Someone had plowed my driveway. No note. Just proof of the holiday spirit. I have no idea who did it. Someone who passed by while I was shoveling... someone who just saw my driveway (and all the clear ones of my neighbors) and took pity on me, someone who knows me-or a total stranger. I don't know. But whoever performed this kind act, Thank You! I was feeling pretty Grinchy, and you've made me feel a bit better about the quality of humanity.
So to my plowing Secret Santa, thank you and Merry Christmas!
I was able to leave work on time and the roads were just fine coming home Monday night. I was, however, dreading getting into my driveway. I also was dreading getting up early to shovel a lot before work again. With the possibility of trucks delivering Christmas presents, I have to make an effort to allow them into my driveway. As it was the mailman just left a note in my mailbox across the street! So I started to make the turn, ready to put it into 4 wheel, when my jaw dropped. My driveway was clear! Someone had plowed my driveway. No note. Just proof of the holiday spirit. I have no idea who did it. Someone who passed by while I was shoveling... someone who just saw my driveway (and all the clear ones of my neighbors) and took pity on me, someone who knows me-or a total stranger. I don't know. But whoever performed this kind act, Thank You! I was feeling pretty Grinchy, and you've made me feel a bit better about the quality of humanity.
So to my plowing Secret Santa, thank you and Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 17, 2007
I'm even more behind now. And I had to cancel my lesson today. I go to work Sunday and discover that instead of leaving at 11:30PM, there's not enough staff for night shift. Five of us (5!!!) from evenings are mandated and are forced to work an additional shift. Three got people to come in early for them. But 2 of us are stuck here all night long-til after 7AM. Then I'll have to deal with lousy traffic on wintery roads. Hopefully, I'll get home safely, then take a quick shower and sleep before coming back to work less than 8 hours later. Mandation sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The snow started about 8PM Saturday and it's been coming down steadily since. They've made all kinds of predictions with 6-22 inches of snow, plus sleet and rain too! We'll see what we get. I wish I didn't have to go into work. It's a good day to stay home and work on Christmas!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Great Job, Wegman's
I have to hand it to Wegman's. This grocery store is the best. I went this afternoon expecting a crowd-Saturday afternoon, 10 days to Christmas, blizzard expected tonight. Sure enough, the place was jam packed. People were in every aisle, stocking up on everything. I've never seen it so crowded-you constantly were saying, and hearing, "Excuse me" as people were trying to get the things they needed, or to just get by. I got my stuff and was at the far end of the store-so I got into a far checkout lane...and didn't have to wait. I was still unloading my cart as the checker started to welcome me and check me out. I finished and walked by every register-all of which were open-all 25 of them. The place was busy, jam packed with people, yet I was out of there in no time. Great job, Wegman's!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Christmas Cookies
Yummm. I just received my friend, Kim's, package with Christmas cookies. She is a great Christmas cookie baker. I wish I could force myself to make the time, but I'm still hoping to do my baking. In the meantime, I'll enjoy my cookies with a Pepsi as I prepare for my day!
Speaking of Pepsi...I really miss the Pepsi with Lime. God, I loved that. I know-they have it in diet-but I can't do diet pop. Yuck. I know I need diet pop, but no can do! I also really enjoyed the limited run of Pepsi with Cranberry around the holidays 2 years ago. That never came back. Hmmm. I guess I should write to Pepsi!
Speaking of Pepsi...I really miss the Pepsi with Lime. God, I loved that. I know-they have it in diet-but I can't do diet pop. Yuck. I know I need diet pop, but no can do! I also really enjoyed the limited run of Pepsi with Cranberry around the holidays 2 years ago. That never came back. Hmmm. I guess I should write to Pepsi!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I've been pretty much done with my Christmas shopping for ages-but I still needed something more for my dad. Mom recommended a DVD he wanted. I found that-and a few other things at I placed my order Monday afternoon arrived today! Going Media Mail. I'm quite pleased.
It looks like the winter storm has arrived here. I just want to get to work safely, stay safe at work, and get home safely. Then I'm off for 2 days of "Let's get ready for Christmas!"
It looks like the winter storm has arrived here. I just want to get to work safely, stay safe at work, and get home safely. Then I'm off for 2 days of "Let's get ready for Christmas!"
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Writer's Block
I've been challenged by a friend to write a blog with certain requirements. I won't get into details yet-I'll reveal them when I reveal my blog. But, boy, it's hard. I don't know if I'm having difficulty as I've had a long rough day, er, evening, at work or what...but I can't complete the challenge now. I'll mull it over and perhaps come up with it later today. But, thank you, Vinnie, for considering me one of your favorite bloggers!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
White Christmas?
I was pretty confident we'd be having a white Christmas this year...but now I'm not so sure. It's in the mid 30's today and the snow has slowly been melting away. The forecast calls for freezing rain today-then I hear we're supposed to get near 40. I'm still hoping for a white Christmas-but with clear roads!
Monday, December 10, 2007
I love Christmas cookies. I collect Christmas cookie recipes from the newspaper and from an e-mail...not that I've ever made any of them, but I like reading the recipes and thinking about it. My friend, Kim, from Ohio, sends me wonderful homemade Christmas cookies and my mom makes the wonderful Christmas Cut Outs, but for me the real sign of Christmas is Keebler Jingles. Now that's a Christmas cookie for me!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
The Christmas cards are done...except for one that needs the final letter. The tree is lit...still needs the ornaments. Most presents are wrapped...still need to be boxed, addressed, and posted. One batch of fudge is made...still want to make my vanilla bourbon loaves and try a new brittle recipe. The stockings are hung and I have my Christmas card holder up and 2 new figurines out...still need to decorate...and do the dishes...and clear the tables...and the floor...and...Aughhhhhhhhhh still tons to do and I'm back to work today!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
A Visit With Santa
I took Barrett for his annual picture with Santa, the first without Brioche. I was going to take Calumet too, but I couldn't find her Christmas collar, then I couldn't find her. I think she was hiding under the tub with Aleister. At any rate, it was a good thing she didn't go. The great PetSmart closed so I had to go to a smaller, much more trafficy one. There were lots of people with lots of dogs. Fortunately, Barrett knew Santa was watching and was very good-even when a young Asta type dog jumped on him wanting to play. He let some young Shiba Inus sniff him as well as some other dogs-but then he saw Lily, a graceful, young Golden. The growling, barking, and lunging began every time he saw her. The people running it weren't that great either. You waited..then they gave you the paperwork to pay, then you had to go to the front of the store, pay, come back, wait some more, get your picture taken, then wait for the picture. They did digital this year (instead of Polaroid) and the people were having camera issues. Santa wasn't too friendly grabbing all dogs, big or small, and sitting them on his lap. You only got one picture (you used to get 2)-and the color was quite funky. I'm debating whether to take Callie by herself next week. I have her first 2 Christmases-it would be neat to have one every year of her life. We'll see.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Oh! Christmas Tree!

I got my Christmas tree today. It's a Frasier Fir...a fat Frasier Fir. Fortunately, I was able to get it in the stand without too much difficulty-although holding a tree with one hand while turning the screws with the other is by no means easy. I'm waiting for the branches to fall, then I'll put the lights and ornaments. Calumet is quite interested in the tree, the others...not so much. Let's hope she doesn't get too interested.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Happy St. Nicholas Day!
Today is St. Nicholas Day. When I was in High School my mom had St. Nicholas Day parties. It was a little get together with friends and relatives and little gifts were shared. It was a nice tradition. Today I'm going to get the house ready for Christmas. Try anyway. The minimum happening is that I'm moving furniture to make space for the Christmas tree, which I'll get tomorrow, hopefully. I also need to wrap some presents and hopefully make a batch of fudge. If you're reading this Trish, tell Andrew he should get some of my fudge for Christmas and not have to wait for St. Patrick's day! I'd better get busy. Lunch while watching I Love Lucy, then furniture moving!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Winter Driving
It's that time of year again. Winter Driving. The main thing I didn't miss while living in Texas. My 20-25 minute drive to work became a 40 minute drive home. My question is-what the heck were all those people doing out on the road? Come on, around midnight Monday night/Tuesday morning with winter storm warnings all afternoon-why do you need to be out driving?!? The roads actually weren't too bad, visibility wasn't the greatest though. My windshield wipers didn't help much-I need to get winter blades on. Oh well, hopefully tomorrow will have better driving conditions.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Pet Safety Pack
Thanks to an offer on Care2, I have just signed up for a free pet safety pack from the ASPCA! Help keep your pets safe with a free pet safety pack from the ASPCA>>In the event of an emergency, this pet rescue window decal alerts rescue personnel that pets are inside your home. The safety pack also includes an ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center magnet—a great way to keep the APCC's toll-free emergency number and website address handy in case your pets get into something they shouldn't! Order Your Free Pet Safety Pack Now!
Thank you for keeping your pets safe!
Thank you for keeping your pets safe!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Winter Weather
In the middle of the night I was woken by a strange scraping sound. It took me a minute, then I got it-snow plow. Yes, the winter weather has arrived. Yesterday's cold warmed up a bit to give us a few inches of snow. The roads look good, hopefully they'll stay that way until I get to work and are fine again for the return trip. There's supposed to be freezing rain and sleet coming. The winter driving season has truly begun!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
It may only be December 1st, but I'm making a New Year's Resolution-to be more organized! I wasted sooooo much time yesterday looking for 2 things. I found the Christmas present I was looking for right before I went to bed...OK actually I had gone to bed, turned out the lights, realized that I couldn't find 2 of the other stamps I bought at the same time as the missing one either-although I did see the clear stamps and brads I got at the same time. That got me to thinking...I bought other things at the same time with the missing present and they were in a bag... BINGO! I turned on the light, went to the attic and the Christmas room-found the bag with the present. Yea. But no luck on the stamp. But, I found the stamp this morning-in the craft room-just in about the one storage box I didn't look in. So here's to December and getting organized!
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